In tsaopy
we assume that the time series can be modelled as a function $x(t)$ that satisfies a differential equation of the form
and we want to find the $a_n$, $b_n$, $c_{ij}$, $\mathfrak{f}_n$ values that best fit our time series data.
By proposing a set of parameter values and initial conditions we can compute a trajectory by numerically solving the differential equation.
.Once we compute a trajectory with the proposed parameter values ($\theta$), we can compare the simulated data points($f_\theta$) with the real measurements($Y$) with an error or cost function. By default tsaopy
uses the ‘negative logarithmic likelihood’ of the measurements given the proposed parameters
minimizing this function is equivalent to performing a maximum likelihood estimation (MLE). The function can be minimized with any multivariate minimizer such as minimize
from scipy.optimize
After MLE, we use the MCMC implementation emcee
to find the posterior distribution of the parameters. This allows us to